School Year's Resolutions.
1) Maintain 'B' Average. This has never really been that difficult, but still, a goal is a goal.
2) Graduate. Another obvious one, but seriously.... i've been in this school for four years, it's time to move on. Speaking of which...
3) Get accepted to the school of my choice. Probably some stupid artsy school that no one's ever heard of. Perfect.
4) More importantly.... get my freak on. I'll let you ponder just exactly what this means. To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself.
5) Write for something. If there's enough room on the school paper, i'll take that. Otherwise, there are a bunch of websites offering music journalism writing jobs... and a job would be just great, considering....
6) Live for ten months on the measly $150 I've budgeted myself. Having quit my summer job, I made the mistake of not saving any money at all to live off of in the off season, so the $150 (or one-fiddy, as me and my peeps like to say) i currently have in cash needs to last me ten months. This means budgeting... hardcore. Long gone are the days i just buy whatever the hell i want. I'll probably need blank cd's, because i won't have enough money to buy just any CD or DVD, just the pivotal shit (i'm talking some devil pivotal).
7) Seriously....seriously try to update this page weekly. Sure, I say i'm going to do it now, but when i'm swamped with work and sick of doing this, well that's a different story.
8) Try to use the word microcosm more often. because come on, you squares!
9) 'Tell off' one person I dislike. I'm not sure who this one person is yet...
Hmmm..... who could it be???
10) Further the advancement of 'A Bird Called Pinky.' Seriously, WTF? Summer's over and we haven't practiced. Also, i should think of a made-up secret language we should sing in. If Sigur Ros can do it, so can we!