Don't burn the pig.
Ok, I must have gotten some of you Dave Matthews Band fans to click on this because of the title. Well, I'm steering away from that... no please don't go, it's good... yes sit down... take a load off and listen. For those in Upstate New York, we are experiencing the second consecutive shity-est winter. This comes after years of February breaks where the temps reach up to the 50's. Yesterday (Feb 2), Groundhog day, that fury bastard, Phil told us we were gonna have this horrible stuff for another month. Citizens of New York, let us strike back! We must kill Phil, a la the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray. We gotta send that bastard to it's hole from hell. Therefore we must burn the pig, or hog, so let's burn the hog! I hate this cold stuff for once in my life, I wanna play some golf, baseball, wear shorts, see girls walking around in epidermis exposing clothes! Gentleman, this is for us, let's burn the pig!