Yo yo yo.  You probably haven't received enough hate mail yet so I figured I should 
handle it. What is the deal with you and T*****?  I mean, sure he has a mullet, and 
he sucks as quarterback and such, but you should give him a little credit...for...
something.  Maybe he is good at jumping on a pogo stick and you should respect him 
for that.  You come off as being a T***** hater and I don't know if that is the 
impression you want to give to your readers.  In the wake of such positive influences 
as Barney, the Smurfs, Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street's The Count, don't you think some 
of this should rub off onto you so you can show others the positive effects of 
brainwashing scams?  Sure you do!  Also, one of your resolutions was to show your 
dislike for someone and you showed a picture, with the arrows, pointing at a guy, in 
a hall, and you didn't say who it was!  WHO IS IT?!!  Am I supposed to know who the 
heck that is?  Your scanner is crappy so the least you can do is tell me!  I'm not a 
mindreader and I want answers!  Also, just for no reason, I am going to complain about 
your lack of comment in your daily posting about the characterization of your teachers,
so prepare yourself.  Complain about teachers' personality disorders! What makes CA 
special is that there are teachers with nothing better to do than get made fun of on 
websites like yours.  Lastly, this better not get deleted from you thinking I'm a 
spammer trying to outsmart you with a clever ploy to read this.  You got that?  (if 
you answer this to yourself I shall make fun of you) I'm simply giving you positive 
feedback because I care.  And lastly after that, I think you should do a characters 
page, not just about you and Seth, but about other various people of whom you refer 
to every so often.
And so, having offered enough to make your website infinitessimally better, I conclude 
this hate mail from my messy Alfred dorm room at a late hour when I should be sleeping.
a fan of  T*****,
Casey P.
Editor's Response: Okay, if Casey P. = Casey Perhamus like I think it does, then here's
 the formula:
	Casey before college = normal kid
	Casey in college     = crazy, crazy LSD addict
Clean up, okay? It's your future.
-blake cooper