"Three Fiddy!"
This is a list of some of the best quotes recorded in Seth's daily planner <courtesy of DeSales High School>:
"Hold my hand for the whole class." - Matt's deep love for Chris in PreCalc
"October 7, 1986, was the start of the New World Order." - Nick on calenders and his birthday
"We don't have enough house fires and shootings to compare to Detroit." - 10 NBC weatherman on the switch of Ottawa cable from Rochester News Stations to Detroit < Go Wings >
"I'm gonna drag your ass out of your bed." - Dr. Phil on helping people lose weight
"I already got my 'Roy Boy'." - Nick acting like his mom
"Nothing's more invigorating... than a good black man!" - 2nd City Tour @ Naz
"Look what you're wearing, I laugh at you!" - Matt to Chris about his inability to dress according to Homecoming standards
"There's a lot of bad things in the world... like bees." - Grace
"Is there math homework?... Is the Pope Polish?" - Mr. Riker
"My dancing is the closest thing to me having sex." - Nick on our horrible school dances.