Seth's Week update is brought to you by the nice people at:

Joe Walsh,
He's got a mansion, forget the price
He lives in hotels, tear out the walls
He's got accountants, pays for it all...
His Maseratti goes 185, lost his license

Now he can't drive!!!

Home Cumming!


I learned that the seniors (my class) lost Powder Puff Football, the football game that provokes: Sex, Violence, Drunkeness, and attitude for homecoming week. The dress theme for today was parent dress up day. Yes, I dressed up like Ronald Joseph Pohorence, my dad. This is so gay, who dresses up like their parents, I'm 18, not 8. Anyways, Nick dressed up like his mom and older sister, Rebecca! That officially made him the most attractive person in DeSales. "Where does your mommy and daddy work." "My mom's a house wife." "Oh, sorry, that's not a real occupation, because you don't get paid." The group activity was an unorganized game(s) of horse. Grade: F------


Today was dress up day, seeing that I have no suits, I stole... er... borrowed with no intent of returning... one of Chris's suits. Pete Karski was wearing Tim Karski clothes. Today's event was a ski race, it was really queer. How queer.... try queerer than Queer Eye for the Straight Guy... <Note: for using such a stupid and typical, sitcom-ish joke, Seth has been fined 500 simoleans, by the Scotland Yard Special Flying Brigade, we know bring you to Will and Grace> .... Until the word "maudlin" is completely obscured.


Decade day

I was supposed to dress up like a pimp from the 70's but the Salvo closed at 5. Seriously, do they know that poor people, punk teens, and old people need to buy clothes at all hours of the day. That and I really want a used washer and dryer so I can race them in the Bigg Race at the Park on Saturday. To amend my ploy, I took Nick's fur coat and wore it around. I got really close to my fem side. Then I stole his leather jacket and wore it inside out. That's what I call members only! Also, we (senior class) realized that it'll be embarrassing if we lose to the juniors in Home Coming, so we held a class meeting and agreed to kick ass!!!! We did... at Nintendo.... and tug of war!


No, not that fuckin, horrible band!

Sports Day

To celebrate Sports Day, I wore my Dante Hicks, old style, Penguins jersey. Ok, I know they suck, but c'mon, Mario! Though Mr. Riker was wearing a Maple Leafs jersey, very cool! The Grizz (awesome student teach) was wearing a Steve Nash jersey. I made a racial comment as to the liking of: "Oh, I didn't know white people still play professional basketball." As of noon Thursday, I resigned from my post at ESPN Sunday Football Countdown. Seniors lost a volleyball... we suck.


Blue and Gold Day

Yes, DeSales day. What has our school got to be proud about besides Dave Rickey. Seriously. We lost football throwing. I participated, that's why... No fun!