I look at this website just as someone looks at a scrapbook. A collection of personal accomplisments and completed ideas. I hoping this website becomes the Chris Pohorence muesum, but who am I kidding. This website features my views, my ideas, my dreams, my failures and my goals. Sit, stand or lay down .... good boy. Don't stand back, you'll fall. Sit back, and feel the full force of me.
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Site Sponsors:

Railfanning & Model Railroad Links
The ultimate railfanning home page. This is my favorite. Includes many railfanning sites full of pictures and information.
Another collection of websites pertaining to railfanning.
Ultimate model railroad supply catalog.
International Hobby Corporation:
Affordible railroad models.
Hobbytown of Boston:
ALCO Kit Locomotives and repowering chassises. Durable cast-metal model with ultra-smooth motors.
Micro Fasteners:
Need a small screw or bolt, they have it.
Tool Resources
Who says you can't have enough tools. (Besides my mom.)
Tool Discounters:
Cummins Tools
Homier Tool Shows
Harbor Freight
Industrial Supply Warehouses:
McMaster-Carr: The ultimate supply catalog.
Grainger Supply
J & L Industrial
Tool Suppliers:
Craftsman: The world's best hand tools.
Travers Tool
Penn Tool
Miscellenious Web Sites:
Mystic Stamp Company:
Postage stamps of all kinds.
The World's Marketplace.